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Afraid in the dark

Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness and dragged me deeper into the woods while I was trying to free myself from them. All of a sudden dozens of similar hands appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me. I was getting pulled in all directions as I felt my soul getting “colder” and my mind emotionless. Then they all released the grip and I started falling for what felt like hours while my entire life was passing in front of my eyes . It was oddly beautiful, in a way that cannot be described. But then I saw it. The biggest fear of every man that has ever or will ever live. The fear of dying and being forgotten. The fear that makes us try to hold on to life in every moment and pushes us to adopt vain rituals such as giving funerals and engraving tombstones in the hope that every time that someone still thinks about us we can continue to “live” a little longer. The worst thing is that no one can help us, that death is a step that will come for every living being sooner or later. As I thought about this, I started falling quicker, my breath cut short and I felt a pressure that almost crushed me. Then everything went black. When I woke up I saw a light and, confused, I rushed towards it like a moth as the ground was vanishing under my feet. While I was getting closer I recognized the shape of a coffin and a grave with my name on it. I understood. All the pressure I previously felt was suddenly gone. I wanted to go. I needed to go. It was the only escape.

I wish I could tell you I woke up in my bedroom covered in sweat, that it was all simply a bad dream and that life got on as usual. But I would lie.


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