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Dear Santa…

Dear Santa…

Dear Santa, this Christmas I have a rather special request. I’d like you to give me and everyone else something very important that I think a lot of us have lost in the past few years: trust.

Trust in each other from our family, to our friends, to every human being on this earth. The trust to be accepted for what we are, the belief of not having to feel threatened by those who are different from us, which may seem obvious but is indeed very hard as our minds are restricted by social stereotypes and fears. The fear of the unknown, of what we think is unnatural and may shake our principles according to which we distinguish the “good” from the “bad”.

But most importantly give us the faith in the future that right now doesn’t give any good perspective between wars, global warming and the continuous privation of liberties in some countries. Even if some of these problems don’t concern ourselves right now they will in the future. And they’ll concern those who are going to come after us.

To solve these problems we need first thing first to gain the trust to be able to make a change as without it everything will remain as usual.

I hope to receive this present, or better I know I’ll receive it because I trust you.



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